Norani Qaida Course

Noorani Qaida is a fundamental book for understanding the rules of Tajweed. It is primarily designed for beginners in Quranic studies. Learning Noorani Qaida online is an excellent course for both kids and adults who want to grasp the letters and Tajweed rules necessary for reciting the Holy Quran correctly. This course enables students to become fluent in reciting the Quran without requiring in-depth knowledge of Tajweed rules. Many teachers use this course to impart the essential Tajweed rules.

Our Quran Academy is an internet-based Quran Academy that has been offering this course since 2010, emphasizing practical learning methods. Upon course completion, students will gain the ability to recite the Holy Quran. The pace of learning and the student’s understanding of the lessons will determine their progress.

online Female Quran tutor

Speaks: English, Arabic, Urdu

Certified: Male/Female Quran teachers



The Noorani Qaida, often just called the “Qaida,” is a basic learning booklet mainly for beginners who want to learn to read the Arabic writing in the Quran. It helps by breaking down the Arabic alphabet, showing how to say each letter correctly (known as tajweed), and how it changes depending on where it appears in a word (at the beginning, middle, or end). The Noorani Qaida starts with single letters and then moves on to letters joined together, words, and finally full verses from the Quran. This step-by-step approach helps students become skilled at reading the Quran fluently with the right pronunciation and rhythm.


    At Online Quran Academy, we tailor our lessons according to your child’s age and previous knowledge. Here’s a breakdown:

    Level 1: Basic Preparedness

    1. Readiness to Learn: Have a keen interest in starting with the basics of the Quran.
    2. Good Internet: A stable internet connection for uninterrupted classes.
    3. Device Access: A computer, tablet, or smartphone to attend the lessons.
    4. Sign Up: Register with Online Quran Academy For Kids to access the course.

    Level 2: Classroom Essentials

    1. Regular Attendance: Make it a habit to attend classes consistently.
    2. Workspace: Set up a quiet and distraction-free space for learning.
    3. Headphones (Optional): Can help with clearer audio during classes.
    4. Course Materials: Access to digital or printed Noorani Qaida materials.

    Level 3: Engaging in Learning

    1. Active Participation: Speak up, ask questions, and engage during lessons.
    2. Feedback Acceptance: Listen to your teacher’s advice and tips.
    3. Practice Outside of Class: Dedicate some time daily to review what you’ve learned.
    4. Connect with Peers: Engage with fellow students, if possible, to share insights and practice together.

    Level 4: Long-Term Commitment

    1. Goal Setting: Aim to complete the Noorani Qaida course fully.
    2. Consistent Practice: Even after classes, keep practicing regularly.
    3. Advanced Learning: Once basic is mastered, have a desire to delve deeper into Tajweed rules.
    4. Spread Knowledge: Share what you learn with family or friends to reinforce your knowledge and help others.

    Qaida Curriculum


    Getting to Know the Alphabet


    • Learn all the Arabic letters.
    • Understand how each one sounds.
    • See what each letter looks like on its own.


    Making Words & Simple Vowels


    • Join letters to form basic words.
    • Learn about short vowels: Fatha (ـَ ), Kasra (ـِ ), and Damma (ـُ).


    Longer Sounds & Special Rules


    • Learn about longer vowel sounds using Madd letters: Alif (ا), Waw (و), and Ya (ي).
    • Understand special rules for certain letters, like Noon Sakinah and Tanween.


    Practicing Reading – Advanced


    • Start reading longer words and even verses.
    • Practice reading to get smoother and faster with correct pronunciation.


    Commonly Asked Questions About Our Online Quran Academy

    Check out our FAQs to learn more about how our Online Quran Academy works, from when classes happen to how you pay.

    What is Noorani Qaida?

    Noorani Qaida is a foundational guide for beginners to learn Arabic pronunciation and tajweed rules for reading the Quran.

    Do you have female teachers?

    Yes, we have both men and women teachers for students who prefer a female tutor. Our female teachers are experts in Quran and Islamic studies.

    How can I watch the classes?

    We’ll give you login details for our app, where you can watch your child’s classes live. You can also watch recordings of past classes.

    Who should study Noorani Qaida?

    Beginners, especially children, or anyone wishing to improve their Quranic pronunciation and recitation can benefit from studying the Noorani Qaida.

    What happens after the free trial?

    After the free trial, it’s up to you to continue classes or not. If you decide to continue, we’ll keep the same teacher for your regular classes.

    How can I pay?

    We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, and others through our payment partner 2checkout.

    How to Start.

    Start Your Journey Today with Online Quran Academy For Kids!

    Sign up for your free trial class today to learn Quran online with our skilled online Quran instructors. You can take advantage of three days of free evaluation classes.

    Schedule time for class

    After registering, we will get in touch with you within the next 24 hours to confirm your availability. We’ll work with your schedule to arrange flexible evaluation classes.

    Take your first class

    We’ll give you all the information you need for your class. You just have to log in at the time of your scheduled lesson.

    Register for free trial now.

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      Assalam.o.Aalaikum 👋

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